LPG Transfer Hose

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LPG Transfer Hose

LPG transfer hose is a flexible rubber hose to deliver LPG (liquified petroleum gas) or liquified propane gas. LPG is a flammable gas, thus the LPG hose mush be flam retardent. Besides, it should be resistant to oil and abrasion. Orientflex hose is famous for quality and cost-effective. Besides flexible LPG hose, we offer you LPG hose fittings. We are your unique supplier for LPG solution.

Flexible LPG Gas Hose

Tube: Black, smooth, conductive NBR

Reinforcement: High strength synthetic plies

Cover: Black, smooth, pin pricked, fire proof and antistatic (R<106Ohm/m), cloth impression CR, resistant to oil, abrasion and weather

Temperature: -30℃ to +70℃ (-22°F to +158°F)

Application: For residential and commercial delivery and transfer of liquid propane gas.

Delivery Hose is for residential and commercial delivery and transfer of liquid propane gas, LPG dispensing and LPG portable heaters. LPG gas tube has excellent cold weather flexibility with a smooth cover for low drag resistance and a low extraction tube to reduce contamination.

The LPG gas hose meets UL, CGA and DOT requirements. Additional applications require prior approval.

LPG Transfer Hose Specification

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